Welcome to Collinsville First Baptist

Below you will find information and links that will help you learn a little bit about us. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.

What to expect:

When you arrive, you'll be welcomed by our Greeters. They will be happy to guide you to the Worship Center, Kid Zone (for childcare), or a Sunday School classroom.

We serve an awesome God, and it is our desire to sing music that reflects His greatness. Our worship services feature a choir, vocal team, and worship band to lead us in modern, Biblically balanced music that encourages everyone to participate in exalting our Lord.

We want everyone to feel welcome and comfortable as they worship.  When you arrive, you'll notice that our people's dress ranges from very casual (blue jeans and tees) to suits and dresses.  We encourage everyone to wear attire that makes them comfortable.  So, come as you are, and you will fit right in with us!  

We gather for Sunday morning worship at 10:15 AM each week.
The service will be live-streamed HERE.

Get Directions

Collinsville Kids
(Nursery - 5th Grade)

Our purpose is to help our children become true disciples of Jesus Christ. On Sunday morning, age appropriate small group Bible Study and activities are available for children from birth to 5th grade during Sunday School, and childcare is provided for birth to 3 years old during the 10:15 AM Worship Service.  On Wednesday evenings, supper is available through Missions Cafe beginning at 5 PM.  From 6-7:30 PM, kids (age 3 to 5th grade) engage in a time of worship, Bible learning, and games.

Collinsville Students
(6th - 12th Grade)

The purpose of our Student ministry is to help students come to know Jesus Christ as their personal savior and to teach them to follow Him in all of life. On Sunday morning, our students engage in boys or girls graded Sunday School classes .  On Wednesday evenings, the Student center is open during Missions Cafe at 5 PM for the students to hang out and grab a bite to eat.  At 6 PM, the students engage in a time of games, worship, and teaching before breaking into small groups for additional discussion.

Listen to recent messages

Preventing Pagan Prayers